Reverend Dr. Joe Bowden

Assisting Priest

Joe is an assisting priest at Good Shepherd and a retired surgeon of many years service at the Medical College and the V.A. Avid golfer, musician, reader, writer, and teacher, he is a priest of many gifts and interests.


Reverend Dr. Bunny Simon Williams

Assisting Priest

Bunny is an assisting priest at Good Shepherd. She received her call to the ministry late in life and went to seminary at the age of 62. Bunny has two sons and two grandsons and is thankful that her entire extended family calls Good Shepherd home. She brings a wealth of pastoral, teaching, and volunteer experience. She loves to write and feels that her greatest gift is her sense of humor.


Reverend Sonia Sullivan Clifton

Day School Chaplain

Sonia was born and raised in Savannah GA. She grew up attending summer camps and participating in diocesan youth programs. She calls Honey Creek her spiritual home and credits her formation there with leading her to her vocation as an Episcopal priest and eventually a school chaplain. Sonia is married to Steve Clifton, also a priest, and they have adult children scattered about the country. Sonia is thrilled to be a part of the EDS and Good Shepherd communities with the added bonus of being close enough to Savannah to spend time with her family there.


Emily Mumford

Parish Administrator

Emily oversees the facilities and office operations at Good Shepherd. She has three children, and in her free time, she plays piano at a Methodist church on Sunday mornings. She believes that the mission of Good Shepherd is realized in its people.


James Nord


Jim Nord has been leading an extensive music program for adults and children at Good Shepherd since 1981. The Good Shepherd Choir has performed at a number of important venues, including the Washington National Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, but none are more important than Sunday mornings at Good Shepherd. Active in the community, Jim is Music Director for Storyland Theatre and teaches organ at Augusta University.


Dr. Jinny Bradshaw

Children's Ministries

Jinny has been a member of Good Shepherd since moving here from Oklahoma. The worship, preaching, teaching, and fellowship experienced here have continued to inspire, fulfill, and challenge her over the years. After retiring from the Richmond County School System, Jinny began working with the Children’s program at Good Shepherd.


Mary Grace Wynn

Student Ministries

Mary Grace is a native Augustan who relocated back home after living in Asheville, North Carolina. She is passionate about teaching youth how to be disciples of Jesus and sharing God’s love with others. She is an artist who loves to read and resides with her adorable three cats and one dog.


Toni Clayton

Administrative Assistant

Toni joins us with many years of graphic design and customer service experience.


Susan Abbott

Financial Coordinator

Susan works with the finances at Good Shepherd. She enjoys cooking, baking, and spending time at the lake with family, friends, and her two dogs. She has been married to Steve for 22 years and they have four children and two grandchildren. Susan thinks that Good Shepherd is a warm, caring environment whose people show God’s love through their daily interactions.


Kathleen Barnhart

Community & World Ministries

Kathleen has been a member of Good Shepherd since 1990. She is a retired VA Nurse Practitioner and a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army Nurse Corps. She obtained a master’s degree from University of South Carolina. Original member of the Augusta Task Force for the Homeless (now defunct) and current president of the Board of St. Stephen’s Ministry of Augusta, Inc.


Nathaniel Simmons SR.


Nathaniel has been the Sexton for 28 years. He is active in his church, Church of Christ, and in his free time, he enjoys cooking and spending time with his family. He has been married to Jessie for 33 years and together they have four children. He loves everything about Good Shepherd.

Lynn Williams

Membership Ministries

Lynn joined the Good Shepherd staff in June of 2018, after retiring from 42 years of teaching-38 of those at EDS. She co-chairs Membership Ministries with Wren Moody. She also serves on the Altar and Wedding Guilds, WAGS cooking team and chairs The Guild of the Christ Child that puts together baptism services for the parish.


Mary Gail Nesbit

Altar Guild Chair

Mary Gail is a graduate of Wake Forest University, where she met her husband Bob. After teaching high school, she moved to Augusta. At Good Shepherd for 45 years she has taught Sunday school, was the acolyte mother for 12 years, and helped write the 1994 church history. She enjoys helping with a cooking team and co-chairing the Alter Guild for 28 years.

Sharon Enoch

Altar Guild Co-Chair

Sharon is the incoming chair of the Altar Guild and a practicing attorney. She and her husband Ed found a home at Good Shepherd, and they were married there in 1995. Sharon loves working with the great team that cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, and linens, setting the table for the Lord’s supper.
