
Following Jesus is a lifelong commitment and journey for every disciple and requires a basic set of knowledge and skills. At Good Shepherd, we recognize that Christians are not magically imparted this knowledge, but instead are formed by Bible study, prayer, worship, experience and intentional learning.
We offer these opportunities for adults to strengthen their life in Christ individually, as families, and as a community striving to be a place of purpose sharing God’s liberating and life-giving love.
View the Calendar for locations and details on Adult classes and studies.
Wednesday at Good Shepherd (WAGS)
Join us for a delicious home-cooked supper and to learn more about the intersections of life and faith.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
An in-depth, formal study of theology and scripture developed by the School of Theology at the University of the South. The serious study of Scripture, Theology and Church History, for people interested in knowing more about Christian faith, strengthens lay people for fuller service in God’s kingdom.
B2B Study Groups
As in Back to the Bible. Small groups meet regularly to study and grow in their understanding of scripture and theology. Engaging conversation and friendly fellowship lighten the load for busy people.
Sunday Morning Formation
A Cup of Joe with Honey Buns: Jesus Communicated through stories (Matthew 13:34). Holy Eucharist is essential to our worship. Meets in the Conference Room, Sundays at 10 am
Young Adults Class: Meets in Room 209. This class is led by John Cates, Jenna Matson, Rob Wynn, and others. Join us for fellowship and a lively discussion of "The Great Divorce," by C.S. Lewis.