The Shepherd’s Fold is a weekly e-publication filled with the latest stories and events at Good Shepherd.
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The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5
The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, `Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”
If the apostles had asked me to help them increase their faith, I would have recommended that they go to the University of Georgia and study science. From there they should go to the Medical College of Georgia and study medicine. After that a General Surgical residency followed by a career in academic surgery teaching and doing clinical research.
That course of study may take more time that they would be willing to commit, but it would be worth it if increasing their faith was their goal or they might say that learning all about science might have the reverse effect and actually decrease their faith. After all, didn’t the “Age of Enlightenment” explain the mysteries of the universe? To that question I must answer that science enforces the mystery since science can only explain the how but not the why.
For six decades in my career as surgeon, teacher and researcher, God’s wondrous creation kept me in a perpetual state of awe. As I have explored the seemingly unlimited macrocosm of galaxies and black holes to the seemingly unlimited microcosm of cell, molecules, atoms, quarks and strings to the seemingly unlimited resiliency of life I can come to only one conclusion, there is a force of perfect energy, perfect intelligence and perfect love that created everything and set it into motion. That being is called God.
The Genesis stories tell how God made everything and called it good. All of creation reflects God. God is reflected in us through our faith in the mystery of the one who is the I Am.
Now, wasn’t that easy?
WAGS is back! Join us every Wednesday in February for “Feast: A Theological Exploration of Food.” Food is more than sustenance—it is a gift from God that nourishes both body and soul. Feast: An Exploration of Food and Theology will explore the sacred significance of food in Scripture and our faith. Each week, we’ll reflect on a central biblical theme: Bread, as a symbol of God’s provision and presence; Wine, representing joy, covenant, and transformation; and Honey, a sign of God’s abundant blessings and the sweetness of His Word. We’ll end by looking at the feasts in Scripture and talking about what they mean for our common life in Christ! Join us as we discover how God meets us at the table and calls us into deeper communion with him and one another. To register click here.
Mark your calendars for the Shrove Tuesday celebration at Good Shepherd on March 4th at 6pm! Tickets include a full dinner, wine & beer, dessert bar, and silent auction. The nursery will be available for children 4 & under. All proceeds benefit the 2025 Youth Pilgrimage to Greece!
We are still collecting items for this auction. Examples include artwork, event tickets, a weekend stay at a vacation home, antiques, homemade food, tours and passes, golfing, dining certificates, services, and lessons. If you wish to donate items, please contact Mary Grace Wynn or kc********@gm***.com /" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="http:// kc********@gm***.com ">Kristen Weston.
Menu: Smoked Chicken, Shrimp & Grits, Green Beans, Green Jacket Salad, and Dessert Bar
Please pre-purchase tickets online here or RSVP to mg****@co*********.org . Ticket Costs: Adults: $25, Ages 5-17: $10, Ages 0-4: $0, Family Cap: 2 Adults & 3 or more kids: $70
The EDS Association is excited to announce that the Wild Game Dinner will be held Saturday, March 15, at 6:00 P.M. at Episcopal Day School's Walton Way Campus. This much anticipated event is one of the EDS Association's most successful fundraisers. Proceeds are used to purchase items on the faculty "wish list" and provide curriculum support, enhancing our student and faculty experiences. This year, proceeds will be used for renovating and updating the teachers' workroom, as well as installing a permanent sound system in the gym to enhance our athletic events, chapel services, and school performances. The EDS Association cannot do it without your support, and are incredibly grateful for parents, grandparents, and local businesses. The event will feature unlimited food and drinks, with both a silent and live art auction that feature local artists who have collaborated with each grade for a one of a kind piece of art! Dress is casual. (Please note, this event is for ages 21 and up!)
Wild Game Dinner Ticket | $75 - This ticket provides access to the Wild Game Dinner at 6:00 P.M. Enjoy an open bar, delicious food, and the silent and live auctions.
VIP Ticket | $125 - This premium ticket will allow an hour of early access to the Wild Game Dinner with open bar, food, and premium tastings beginning at 5:00 P.M.
Wild Game Dinner Website:
Wild Game Dinner Purchase Tickets Link:
Wild Game Dinner Swag Link:
Thanks to everyone for their support of our COGS outreach ministries. Our next COGS outreach will be returning to work with Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries Food Pantry whose mission is to “feed the hungry in our community.” Our group will be ministering on February 15 from 8:30-11:30am. Those participating should come to the St. John UMC parking Lot (736 Greene Street) between 8:00-8:30am where the DCCM participants will be setting up the food distribution. Participants should plan on parking on 8th St. or across the street on Telfair since the parking lot is used for the drive through and walk-up distributions. The participants will be at the various stations with the food and place it in the client’s trunk as they drive up. They have a separate area for the walking clients. A “personal shopper” takes their cart and goes to get their food. The food distribution generally occurs between 9:00-11:00am.
Those participating in this ministry must be at least twelve years of age and if they are under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please e-mail Lynn Tyson at lt*******@gm***.com if you would like to participate or call or text at 706-833-7415. I will have name tags for our COGS participants. They report that donations of granola bars or ready to eat items such as peanut butter crackers for snack bags for the homeless are always appreciated. DCCM reports that this ministry is doing what Christ has asked us to do: “Feed his sheep.”
For the monthly readings pick up a bookmark or navigate to our B2B page:goodshepherd-augusta.org/b2b.
The Church Office will close at noon on Friday and will remain closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day. We will re-open at 8:00am on Tuesday, February 18.
Your requested offertory envelopes are now available for pickup in the lobby. Please let the church office know if you want to receive an offering envelope for this year.
The COGS clergy are available for house blessings throughout the Epiphany Season (January 6 - March 4). This special liturgy lasts only a few minutes and is a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to join you. To schedule a house blessing, please email Rebecca Taylor (
Episcopal Day School is looking for part-time substitute teachers. If you want to work with children, set your own schedule, and, as a bonus, get paid, this is a great opportunity for you! Training is required, but we will pay you to complete the training. If this has you excited about your future as a substitute teacher at Episcopal Day School, please contact Mrs. Nina Tomlin, Assistant to the Division Heads, at
or call the main office at (706) 733-1192. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Head to the Shell Newsletter for details & to sign up for upcoming events.
For any questions, email
Due to the holiday weekend, we will not be gathering for Youth Group or Children & Student Christian Formation.
Sunday, February 16th
8:30 am
Organist, Dr. Dan Hardin
Lay Readers, Lynn Tyson, Bobbie Ingenito
Verger, Stovall Walker
Ushers, Mike Leverett, Ed Enoch
11:00 am
Organist, Dr. Dan Hardin
Lay Readers, Yvonne Harrison, Jet Taylor
Verger, Choppy Woodward
Ushers, Drew Daniel, Glen Owen
6:00 pm
Organist, Dr. Dan Hardin
Lay Readers, Faith Moore, Anne Floyd
All Services
Altar Guild Team VI
Breakfast Ministry Team VI
Vestry Person of the Day, Deke Copenhaver
• Three Year Olds: Level I Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Room 305
• PK-K: Level I Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Room 306
• 1st-3rd Grades: Level II Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Room 304
• 4th and 5th Grades: Weaving God’s Promises, Room 302
• Rite-13: Lead by Jessica Perry and Taylor McCutcheon, Room 208
• J2A: Lead by Katie Wynn and Brice Wright, Room 303
• Exploring Faith with Matt Matson: Meet in Room 209 at 9:45am
• Sawmill Theology with Ken Hardy: Meet in the Conference Room at 9:45am
• Rector's Forum: Meet in the Parish Hall at 9:45am
Back to the Bible Groups (for more info, go to goodshepherd-augusta.org/b2b)
- Sundays, 10 am & 4:30 pm (Bride's Room)
- 4 pm at the home of Nancy Sutherland
- Tuesdays, 4 pm (Bride's Room)
- Wednesdays, 11 am (Bride's Room)
- Thursdays, 5:30 pm