We are delighted that you would consider worshiping with us! We welcome all seeking the life of hope and purpose that Jesus Christ offers. Come and worship with us each Sunday in person at 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 6 pm. The 8:30 am & 11 am services are streamed to Facebook or Youtube.
For the most up-to-date schedule, please read our online newsletter, The Shepherd's Fold. This is found under the Media navigation tab and on the home page.
Join us for Morning Prayer on Zoom! We meet Monday - Saturday at 7:30 am. The Zoom link is: https://zoom.us/j/97885560720?pwd=WU1vZWVsYzAremszZUdLc2EzazJGUT09
You can access the Morning Prayer Book here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ffz2lo72wyRPpDyu7ChXfEilm26xMukB/view?usp=sharing

2230 Walton Way
Augusta, Georgia 30904
Between Episcopal Day School and Woodlawn United Methodist Church
You don’t have to be a member to worship with us! But we’d love if you’d consider becoming one. Here’s more information on becoming a member of Good Shepherd.
Parking is available –
- At the church’s main drive off of Walton Way
- Behind the parish house
- Between the church and the school
- Directly in front of Episcopal Day School
- Appleby Library (Sunday mornings only)
- In the last 20 lined spaces along the south side of Woodlawn Methodist’s parking lot (Sunday only)
We are a family-oriented church and encourage you to bring your little ones with you to the service!
Upon entering the church, you’ll find a shelf dedicated to materials just for children, aimed at engaging their hands, hearts, and minds during worship. You’ll find coloring pages, activities and picture books to help draw each child into the service.
We also have Nursery services available for children 6 weeks thru 5 years of age.