First Sunday of Lent – Carol D.

The Shape of God’s Plan
 The world seems out of control right now. Ukraine is being invaded, gas prices are going up and up, many people are struggling to make ends meet, and many are homeless. In the midst of all the struggles, though, is a living God who says, “Stop, listen to me”.  
God’s plan for us does not always come together as we have planned. His timing is not our timing, but if we will pray and listen He will lead us where we need to go. Follow where He leads. Just as Jesus was willing to follow his Father’s plan, we also must be willing to follow. Eternity is waiting.
– Carol Davis, Year 1, EFM

2 responses to “First Sunday of Lent – Carol D.”

  1. Gregory Smith says:

    I often find that when I try to tell God that I am too tired, too overwhelmed or too overbooked, He whispers in my ear that he still needs me to do the things that He feels are most important, on His timetable. You’re right. We must be willing to follow.

  2. Andrew Austin says:

    Thank you Carol, I love the last sentence: “Eternity is waiting.”
    It made me think of the two definitions of waiting, time spent looking forward to something, and in service to someone.
    I feel the former definition tells us that salvation, through Christ, is always there waiting on us; and the second definition is eternal salvation is through Jesus, who died to save us, the ultimate act of service to others.
    Thank you again Carol, for making me think more deeply.