Thursday, the Fourth Week of Lent – Greg
Fools for Christ We all want to look smart, knowledgeable and accomplished in the eyes of others. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day were no exception. They knew the […]
Fools for Christ We all want to look smart, knowledgeable and accomplished in the eyes of others. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day were no exception. They knew the […]
This tightrope analogy brings to mind my 22-year-old cousin. Grace is a kinesiology major studying balance and focus. Basically her study asks if one must stare straight ahead at […]
Keeping our eyes on the prize, sounds like we are running a race. Getting into the right college or taking a big promotion are worthy goals. What happens after you […]
Rewarding Journey It’s ironic that I was assigned this day. As a point of confession I haven’t been at Church on a regular basis since the beginning of Covid-19. […]
“It is through total and unmitigated powerlessness that God shows us divine mercy. The Radical, divine choice is the choice to reveal glory, beauty, truth, peace, joy and most of all […]
All of us, … seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. – 2 […]
A Glorious Throne I don’t picture Jesus on the cross or on a throne, but wherever we see Him I believe He is with the Father and with us. He is […]
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 A few days after I was assigned “Burden-Bearers” as […]
New Eyes Jesus didn’t ask us to love others. He commanded it. Lord, why is it so hard to do? Even with those we love the most, there are times when we’re just not […]
OPEN EARS The early years of my broadcast career were spent in radio. The medium requires only one thing to be successful – listeners. I spent a […]
Open Eyes The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. – Proverbs 15:3 The Eye of Providence is a symbol that depicts […]
Forever. Faithful. Two words that can be hard to comprehend for some people and I would venture to say for all people at some given point in time. […]
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” – Matthew 5:8 I’ve often thought there is no place more beautiful than Augusta in springtime: dogwoods, azaleas […]
BE PERFECT I remember my mother calling out to my brother as he left the house, “Be good and have a nice time.” Joe turned and replied, “Mom, make up your […]
A dear friend is a self-described agnostic but is the most charitable and giving person I know. When trying to reconcile these two factors in my head, a Bible study […]
Eyes of Faith This devotion was very timely in my life. Throughout the past several weeks I have struggled to make sense of life around me and […]
The Right Time “And who knows, perhaps you were born for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). God’s hand is not always immediately obvious in our lives. Whether […]
Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life. – Matthew […]
More Than An Example Nowen says, “it is not enough to imitate Christ . . . the spiritual life presents us with a far more radical demand: to be […]
Nouwen writes about the downward road of Christ. The natural assumption is a downward road is the easy way. But backpackers know the path downward is not easier than an […]